
Posts Tagged ‘Social Dialogue’

Moon above Grand Place

Moon above Grand Place

I just got in from the airport and my flight back from Brussels. Man, I love that city! Not so much the weather that is miserable more often than not, but the atmosphere, the beauty and…of course…the hundreds of chocolate shops and beer cafs – YUM!

The reason I go there several timesĀ each year is work, where I take partĀ in the Sectoral Social Dialogue for Agriculture. It’s interesting and involves politics which I love. The set-up is that we meet in a big room that has a U-shaped table: the employers representatives sit on one side, and the trade unions on the other, with the chairman and Commission representative at the “head table”. There are interpreters to one side in small booths, and they can be glorious or absolute shite. Today it was unfortunately the latter.

As many of you know we haven’t had much luck with our hotel bookings in the last year, so we’ve taken to really, and I mean REALLY, enjoy what other good things are on offer in this fine city, like chocolate, beer, chocolate, beer and oh, did I mention chocolate?

At the moment we’re debating whether the best chocolatier is Neuhaus or Godiva, and we’re working our way through their selection of pralines in order to come to an informed and well based decsion. I’m leaning towards Neuhaus, their Tentation beats even the white chocolate champagne truffle that Godiva has – imagine that!

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