
Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Today it was time for Workshop 2 – a full-day exercise. The first session was about sleep; the theory behind it, it’s effects, and our need for it.

Session two was about exercise, and session three about ergonomy.

Our outdoor classroom – paradise!

Lunch was at mom and dad’s again – a yummy omelette this time 🙂 Thanks mom!

The afternoon was spent discussing positive psychology, and what positive thoughts and actions can do for us. We talked about the concept of happiness, and got to list five things that would make us happier.

My list was as follows:
1. Having children
2. A better health, no knee issues
3. More time off work
4. A bigger flat/house with a garden
4. Being able to see my far-away friends more often.

Note that the question was what would make us happier, not what makes us happy. That list would’ve been:
1. A
2. My family (families, really)
3. My friends
4. Travelling, seeing new places
5. A sense of purpose

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