
Posts Tagged ‘Always prepared’

"Be prepared - Always prepared"

My scouting days are coming to an end. This is my fourth year as a scout leader, and though I enjoy it, it’ll have to be my last year, or term rather. Living in the city, I simply can’t muster the enthusiasm for heading to the burb one night per week, just to two-three hours later have to make the track back to the city again. It was easier when my folks were still living out there, but now…

Once I’ve made it out there it’s usually lots of fun, and the kids (age 13-15) are great, but all the work with planning and travelling that goes into it is just wearing me down. It’s spoiling the fun. And the attitude of the other leaders who all live out there is a bit demoralising as well unfortunately. I don’t like the constant guilt trip whenever I can’t make it to a meeting etc. Surely since they all live out there they’re able to rock up a little earlier to prepare a thing or two?! Oh well, I shouldn’t nag – scouting’s truly a wonderful thing and pastime, and volunteering isn’t always the easiest when other activities and duties are competing for your time. I feel proud of myself for putting in four years, and I hope my presence has at least taught the kids something…

Fleur-de-lis of Swedish scouting

I’ve certainly learnt a lot! Four years ago I was much “weaker” with the kids, all 15 years old at the time, now they look up to me in a different way, but of course with that comes increased responsibility as well. And they ask the funniest questions 🙂 Sometimes I wonder how ever they can be so innocent at the age of 15, but I guess that’s suburbian kids for you – love ’em!

This morning I woke up longing for sleeping in the outdoors, so maybe it’s time for a short hike somewhere soon? Who’s game?!

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